- The response to concerns outlined on both this and LEATHERNECK's blog, in relation to the pedophilic aspects of the Lit. Family Room has been astonishing. It appears that we are not alone .....
Please note, there is no problem with the 'sister-in-law' etc aspects of the room. But there are very real concerns about the pedophilic aspects. These are unacceptable. The naive bravely state that these child centred fantasies are mere words. The American Psychiatric Association vehemently disagrees. Such fantasies and urges are of themselves sufficient to meet the criteria for the diagnosis: pedophile.
I urge Y/you to check the entries and comments placed in response on both this and LEATHERNECK'S BLOG.
(11 total) Post a Comment- …
so what is the next step, what does O/one do to get the family room shut down?
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 11:34am (PDT) Remove Comment
- **LEA…
W/we contact Lit in force asking for the room to be abolished or that the nics that are like DADDYLOVESLITTLEGIRLS are forced to remain in that room alone...NO free reign of the rest of Lit for them. Or that the CM's allow us to "encourage" with great fervor their return to the room that they belong in..Peer pressure ( and I am not saying those animals are peers to any of U/us) but properly applied encouragement to remain where they belong might go a long way.
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 02:45pm (EDT) Remove Comment
- Jinian
I think all murder mystery writers should be locked up, they show an unhealthy obsession with violence, and as everyone knows, dwelling on the subject means theyre going to run out a commit whatever variety of homicide takes their fancy.
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 12:24pm (PDT) Remove Comment
- THE B…
LOL... won't wash Jinian.. sorry... flimsy argument... no substance.
Check the DSMIV.. and the laws regarding child sexual assault, pedpohilia and the research relating the ideation and fantasy to subsequent behaviour.... there are some behaviours that are more likely to result in commission than others.. pedophilic fantasy is one of those. It is well documented.
Sunday October 29, 2006 - 06:48am (EST) Remove Comment
- **LEA…
Ahhh jinian shaking my head I hear the sarcasm in your remarks here..But and shaking my head more murder mysteries are one thing and for the most part in every one that I have ever read or watched in the form of a movie the bad guy gets caught in the end. The murder mystery itself is a mystery because there is the process of solving the crime not adding to it...The common murder mystery speaks of the crime and then attacks it as the hero or heroine go about solving the mystery..Thus murder mystery and of course by the end of the book it isnt a mystery anymore now is it...But lets look at the truth of what it is that we are actually talking about here.. When was the last time you read a pedophile goes uncaught and continues his raping and molesting of children novel ehhh??? According to you that would make for good reading huh?? Well jinian the facts are that it happens everyday each and everyday children are molested and raped by sick people. Their sickness is fed by their fantasy..for them to think and fantasize such vile acts grows the urge in them till finally they act on the compulsion..Responsible correct thinking people dont condon the fantasies of this nature they call them out for what they are sick sick sick... Now if you are saying that in the little fantasies in Lit. Family Room we see a criminal and a victim and then the police and investigators swooping in to arrest castrate and inprison the offender..OOO I am all for it for there would be a "MORAL" to that story wouldnt there?? But what is the Lit Family Room norm?? I dont know for I have never been in there..But MY guess is it doesnt have anything to do with any mystery.. Perhaps you might enlighten us how do these typed wordy enactments of pedophile, victim and the raping of the underage children get written and acted out??? Hmmmm ?? Does the victim(child) scream as the vaginal walls are torn?? Does the victim(child)actually act out the factual screaming wailing wretching and throwing up as their uterus is rendered useless for the rest of their lives because a grown man has just raped the ability to bear children from them?? Does the victim(child) then spend weeks in the ICU if they survive at all?? Or do you just coo and moan and writhe in the pleasure a woman might feel thus making the rapist think that their future child victim will enjoy it just as much as you did?? If the later is true then the rapist you cyberred certainly is aroused and he isnt fixated on a woman nor is he fixated on consentual acts between adults he is fixated on a child and he is fixated on raping them and after reading the careless and obviously not thought out words that you have typed in enacting that scene with him...shrugs...he thinks a child will enjoy it.... And the harmless words you typed convinced him that is how it would be... THINK FOR THE CHILDRENS SAKE THINK ABOUT THE WORDS YOU TYPE THEY ARE NOT HARMLESS WHEN IT AROUSES A VILE CHILD RAPIST.. HARMLESS WORDS?? TELL THAT TO THE CHILD IN ICU THAT WAS RAPED BY A MAN YOU MIGHT HAVE EXCITED... That aint harmless... Now I am sorry I have been rough and graphic here but I hope somehow the bluntness I have shown here maybe helped you see what it is that we are talking about and helped you get past the sarcasm...If not then think of it like this..It is only words according to you but you have expressed sarcasm which would show to us that you were offended and perhaps angered by what you have read here.. And if that is the case did not these blogs create in you emotion?? Words creating emotion in you that you had to respond to...HMMMMM jinian are they harmless if they evoke emotion...Perhaps with you we have nothing to fear for our children. But if the words create emotion of lust and urgency in a pedophile rapist of children then we have much to fear dont we?? Thus the words arent just words anymore they are a catalyst to a horrid crime in the making...
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 04:43pm (EDT) Remove Comment
- …
Let's assume that words are words and freedom of expression...etc etc.
Even under tha tasusmption, lit should not be free of taboos.
It is really simple really - lit does not allow users under 18, so it should not allow (even imaginary) cyber with under 18s. W/we should make our voice heard on lit.
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 03:22pm (PDT) Remove Comment
- Jessa…
This theory of "it's only words/ it's only online/ it's only fantasy" really vie against what is known about the sickness that is pedophilia. Pedophiles begin as serial rapists/murderers begin: with a fantasy, with words, with an image in their minds of what they want/need/urge to have happen. Finding a willing person to fulfill that image, even online, even through "just words" starts the next process for them, making it just a tad more real to them, a tad more acceptable. Any government/criminal agency involved in serial crimes such as pedophilia *because once it happens ONCE in reality, unless caught IMMEDIATELY, it WILL happen AGAIN* will acknowledge that these are steps. From fantasy, to "willing participant" in the fantasy, the next logical step is to act out in reality what his/her fantasy is on an innocent unsuspecting child. Am I saying that EVERYONE that ventures into the Family Room is a pedophile? No, I wouldn't go that far, but with names like "Daddy's Lil Fuck Doll" and "Daddy In Need Of Baby", you have to consider that there are those in there ready and willing to act out this twisted and dangerous fantasy.
Anyone who comes up with the sarcastic "In that case, murder mystery writers should be locked up" argument isn't seeing a FULL picture. As Leatherneck said, those books aren't "the bad guys win, more murder for them, free reign on deviancy". In the end, the "white hat" wins. The bad guy goes to jail or is put to an end. Rarely, after the Marquis de Sade and certain underground "artists" that is, have children been made into sexual targets in searing detail in books. Even so, if there was such a case, I'd be all for putting a stop to such books as well as putting a stop to only "role playing" of such pedophiliac fantasies. Children are not "props" or sexual "toys", and they should not, even in "fantasy" be put in such a position.
I'm sorry, but the truth is that words are just as mighty as a sword, especially when fueling such horrifying "fantasies" turned realities. I'd honestly like to hear someone use the "it was just words/just online/just fantasy" to defend a pedophile who just attacked MY child...you wouldn't stand a chance, because parents *real parents, with real maternal and paternal instincts and emotions* will not stand idly by while such an attack is covered over by such a flimsy excuse. Sarcasm is usually my most oft used form of speech, but this is no laughing matter.
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 07:13pm (EDT) Remove Comment
I believe that as long as it remains fantasy, simply words and simulated images, there is nothing illegal about it. Its completely wrong, and I'd like to see it gone simply because I find it disgusting, but legally, I don't think that there are any implications...
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 05:48pm (MDT) Remove Comment
- THE B…
Goatman..with respect..what you think diverges greatly from legal and medical thought.. I refer you to DSMIV..these specific fantasies/ideation are KNOWN to be precursers and are of themselves sufficient to meet the diagnostic criteria of pedophile.
Please note my concerns are based on the illegality and pathology of the act of child sexual fantasy... and the question of WHY if BESTIALITY (which is not illegal in all Westen Countries) and RAPE (sexual assault, which is illegal in all Western Countries) ARE BANNED FROM LIT, then WHY is PEDOPHILIA, which is also illegal in all Western Countries, PERMITTED IN LIT.
Sunday October 29, 2006 - 02:11pm (EST) Remove Comment
I agree with your logic. I completely agree with your conclusions about the hypocrisy of allowing family roleplaying and not bestiality. The point that I was (attempting) making is that while the REAL acts of pedophilia and incest are illegal, written and even simulated graphical depictions are NOT illegal. In my opinion they should be, but as of right now they are not. That's all I was saying.
Saturday October 28, 2006 - 11:16pm (MDT) Remove Comment
- Snow …
RM1Master noted above that the site does not allow under 18's access. In addition the owners do not allow an under 18's room. However it is quite apparent that the Family Room harbours people who wish to indulge in these fantasies.I put forward that the room needs to be carefully monitored and those individuals who attempt to indulge in these dialogues be removed or banned.
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