There is much talk of the ‘zone’and sub-space and i have struggled with finding the words to describe my experience of it, in finding similes that may help others to perhaps understand a little of what happens to me, at least, when I’m in sub-space. i do not profess to speak for anyone else or to describe the experience of others.
Sub-space is beyond being totally turned on by an amazing sexual experience. It is, to me at least, worlds beyond that. i have experienced both. The sub-zone is waaaaay different!
Some people seem to think of the sub zone as a state in which the sub is unable to function. This is very far from the truth!!! Often motor skills can be very precise.
Almost everyone has experienced one or more of those magical days when everything went right and you could do no wrong! Great athletes and performers call this "being in the Zone". It is a time of incredible intensity, when the laws of the physical universe seem to disappear. In their place a magical spiritual ability to control time, space, form and objects manifests itself. This is what my sub-zone experience is like ... and it's almost addictive...*lol*
The sub zone shares characteristics both physiological and mental with the zone an athlete or performer may reach at peak moments; .where focus is honed to an almost spiritual, other-wordly level. That place where everything is in slow motion, thought is suspended, intellect shelved, pain is not felt. It carries an implicit connection to an altered state of consciousness. It is accompanied by physiological and chemical changes which are referred to in previous blogs. and touched on briefly here.
The sub-zone is not dependent on physical restraint, whips chains, floggers … *lol* … remember, not all D/s relationship incorporate BDSM activity, physical activity and physical boundaries. The sub-zone can also manifest when breaching psychological boundaries. There is often also an erroneous belief that edge work is about knives or restraint. But it is about breaking through boundaries mental, emotional and psychological … and this is much more complex than any physical manifestation that W/we associate with BDSM. Remember, what is simple for some is edge work to others. It is about doing what one would not normally do.
In sub-space/zone the sympathetic nervous system causes a release of epinephrine from the suprarenal glands, as well as a rapid dump of endorphins and enkephalins.. These natural chemicals, part of the produce the same effect as morphine, increasing the pain tolerance of the submissive as the experience becomes more intense.
A sort of trance-like state is created due to the increase of hormones and chemicals, the submissive starts to feel out-of-body, detached from reality Many submissives once reaching a height of subspace will lose all sensation of emotional and physical pain.
There is a reduction of rational thought.. At this point she is not capable of utilising ANY safeword - it become incomprehensible to her. It's loike being 'lost in space'and totally in the moment. In her mind, she has YOU the Dominant, she loves and trusts You, you won't let anything happen to her. The power exchange at this point is almost complete. As a Dominant this is a very important stage and where the mantra Safe, Sane and Consensual needs to be uppermost.
The sub-zone can be likened to the diverse range of phenomena covered by the umbrella terms of ecstasy, transcendent or altered states of consciousness. Such terms are variously denoted and include the concepts of "peaks", "perfect moments", "mindfulness", "peak experience" and "flow".
The philosopher Michael Novak wrote of ‘the zone’, " There is a certain point of unity within the self, and between the self and its world, a certain complicity and magnetic mating, a certain harmony, that conscious mind and will cannot direct.... The discovery takes one's breath away."
“In Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience”, University of Chicago psychology professor, Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi identifies the characteristics as deep concentration, highly efficient performance, emotional buoyancy, a heightened sense of mastery, a lack of self-consciousness, and self-transcendence.
The zone can be likened to the diverse range of phenomena covered by the umbrella terms of ecstasy, transcendent or altered states of consciousness. Such terms are variously denoted and include the concepts of "peaks", "perfect moments", "mindfulness", "peak experience" and "flow".
Reaching the zone is the difference between having a great experience. running a good race if you will, or reaching that magical optimal place where everything comes together to make the perfect experience.
Generally through heightened sensed triggered by some form of stimuli. Stimulus-response patterns, such as a scent, specific words, timbre/tone of voice Just as aromas proliferating from a bakery may trigger profound memories of Grandma's apple pie, so too can stimuli be used to elicit powerful and specific responses in the D/s relationship.
The triggers can be as easily applied in many cases, over the telephone or in print as in physical proximity. Much depends on the triggers, the connection between the Dom and sub and the nature of the relationship.
The stimulus enables the sub to attain the zone. It becomes increasingly effective through the continued association of the stimulus with the zone state. The more frequently the stimulus is activated, the more automatic the response becomes.
There are varying levels of sub-space. The more intense the experience, the greater the boundaries breached for the submissive, the deeper the sub-space.
Deep subspace is often characterized as a state of deep recession and incoherence. Please note, this does not mean the body is unco-ordinated in this state. Don't think just because her motor skills are functioning that she is not in sub-space. Learn as much as You can about Your submissive and her reactions. Deep subspace may cause danger in newer submissives who are unfamiliar with the experience. The responsible Dominant needs to keep a careful watch to ensure the submissive isn't placing herself at emotional, mental or physical risk.
Please note that safewords are ineffective at this time. The submissive in sub-space, unless skilled at topping and bobbing will be unable to recognise risk. In deep sub-space, topping and bobbing becomes almost impossible.
Next Blog: Sub-Drop. What is it? How to Recognise It. How to Deal With It.
*hugs* i thank you so much for this information. being new to this with no r/l experience, subspace is something that i have been told about and read about, but i have not read anything which provides such excellent information as you have posted here.Comments
thank you for all of your information and postings. you are a very valuable source to me and you have no idea how much your words guide me and will coninue to guide me on this most wonderful journey!Sunday December 17, 2006 - 10:33am (PST) Remove Comment
- ~bekk…
*hugggs blonderavensis and drops a skotc* thank you soooooooooo much for posting this article! it is my hope and wish that ALL Dominants and submissives, whether new or experienced, read this very important article. it's an excellent introduction to the concept of "sub-space", and not only shares what the submissive might go through, but also what the Dominant should look out for. if you don't mind, i'm going to add it to my blogscroll for others to read who might be interested. let me also echo that you are one of the most valuable resources in O/our little community here on the net, and i am so glad to count you among my friends. *huggggggs you once more*
Sunday December 17, 2006 - 02:12pm (EST) Remove Comment
- THE B…
i am happy for any to c&p this information. i think it an important aspect of D/s 'sub care'.
Monday December 18, 2006 - 01:18pm (EST) Remove Comment
- Doubl…
thank you for this article...it is very informative....when My submissive is in sub-space I also reach a "trance" with her and it is a delirious experience!
Monday December 18, 2006 - 11:11am (EST) Remove Comment
i love this article to pieces...*smiles...you sure know how to put the most beautiful things into words...
Monday December 18, 2006 - 09:08am (PST) Remove Comment
blonde... as always, thank you for the informative article. I've copied so i may read again and again off-line. Lol... huggggs ya tight.. your still learning friend pandy.
Tuesday December 19, 2006 - 07:09pm (EST) Remove Comment
so true blonderaven ..*smiling memory*... oh but what a wonderful space to be in with the right Dom...and yes, you are so right... once the endorphins kick in... watch out!.. better than a long run!
Thursday December 21, 2006 - 11:55am
Sunday, June 21, 2009
D/s: sub-zone : ENTERING THE ZONE
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