Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gender Hacking: Boys Pretending to be Girls and Vice Versa

Genderhacking magnify

There is a saying i have heard often. i don't know the origin but it has a ring of truth although of course it may also be a massive generalisation:

'The internet, where women are women and so are 50% of the men'.

Now we have probably all come across this 'gender bending' in some way. I first noticed it at university where every law, medical or engineering school revue saw guys leaping into the first frock and Marilyn wig they could get their hands on. Football players also seem to have this tendency (*see Revenge of the Nerds' where i personally thought Ogre looked particularly fetching in a cheerleader skirt). However, these efforts are more a caricature.

Drag Queens of course are a whole different ballgame. Their caricature is an art form i admit to enjoying as long as it comes with great dance moves, a good voice and a rapid wit. Without the latter it crosses over into the University Revue level. i will also say right here and now, that one of the best places to buy a funky hat and great stockings is Piedmont's in SF.. the 'drag queen' store in the Haight (looks fondly at my white lace up platform fmb's). But i digress...

(hey i'm blonde and grey... cross a blonde patch with a seniors' moment and there are bound to be a few zig zags in the road...)

So back onto boys who like to be girls on the internet. i discovered a term recently 'Gender Hacking'. This relates to boys who pretend to be girls, and girls who pretend to be boys and the effects of this practice on those they get 'close' to when the same sex gender is eventually revealed. So i have decided to explore this in more detail this week ... stay tuned (umm if anyone is out there..)...

Tags: sexuality, genderhacking, boyspretendingtobegirls, internetlies | Edit Tags
Tuesday April 7, 2009 - 06:40pm (EST)

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